I think I prefer Ken Wilber’s stages, and at the least, I think McLaren’s Harmony needs 4a and 4b because I think there is a difference between coming out of Perplexity into what Wilber would call “integral”, and the Harmony 4b that is truly transpersonal.

The bit that I really struggled with in Faith after Doubt was that McLaren seems to be suggesting that those in Harmony can peacefully coexist with those in Simplicity and Complexity. However at peace with oneself and others one is, I don’t see how one can coexist with those who deny one’s own development, silence one’s voice and who are dedicated to pulling one “back” to their level. Especially if they are the leadership!

Perhaps I will only understand this when I get to 4b myself.🤷‍♂️

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I haven't read Ken Wilber, I'll have to check that out.

Peaceful coexistence with more immature individuals can be very difficult. I think it's easier if there isn't a power dynamic involved, i.e. if it's a neighbor or a casual friend vs. a parent or politician.

It's definitely not okay for immature folks to dictate our realities. I'm learning to rebut some of these folks with "well, that's your opinion" while trying to stay grounded in what I know to be true. Realistically, I'm not going to win them to my side, but neither do I need to be threatened by their ideas. Though, of course, there are exceptions.

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