Sep 13Liked by Katharine Strange

Probably 15 years ago or whenever gay marriage was on the way to becoming legal, I asked someone I knew why he was so opposed to it becoming law. Like genuinely, how was this going to impact you, negatively or otherwise? He said, if we allow this now, who’s to stop people later from wanting to marry their dogs?! Absurd.

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I hate these slippery slope arguments! "What's next, (insert insane thing that will never happen here)?"

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Those states with "bathroom bills",probably are not concerned with the number of women,using men's bathrooms at concerts or sporting events.No comments regarding Mrs Doubtfire,Bossom Buddies or any of a host of others shows,over the decades. Was J.Edgar a cross dresser? The latest thoughts on Lincoln.

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very true! I can't even count the number of times I've snuck into the men's room during a concert or play :)

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Love your questions at the end, though I don’t have good answers, or at least not good systemic answers. My personal answer is to live like a decent person, a person who respects others, and to model healthy male behavior wherever I can (which for me has meant working with young people and now volunteering for Big Brothers Big Sisters).

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