Thank you for your perspective. I do believe a person's beliefs matter. Beliefs can incorporate morals, values and integrity. Wise words from your therapist. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

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Apr 25ยทedited Apr 25Liked by Katharine Strange

Fantastic piece! I tend to agree that a combination of intention and impact is important to weigh, though I do think that impact carries much more weight. It ultimately comes down to flexibility and understanding. I really loved reading this!

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Apr 25ยทedited Apr 25Liked by Katharine Strange

This is a hard one. When I first deconstructed I noticed three mindsets when it comes to our beliefs and you solidly nailed two of them in this article; the natural mind and the nominal mind which each respectively seek to be ethically right (read: factually correct) in an effort to have good motivations and endgames or to be motivationally correct in order to have good ethics and endgame. I recognise a third mindset in which our endgame informs our ethics and motivations. I haven't posted about it yet on Substack but maybe that will be next Thursday's post.

All of this to say, I gave up on faith as a primary unifying factor for people. It's still important but it means less and less to me when removed from love and hope. Faith is what changes us into the image of what we identify most with; if it's Jesus happy days, but more often than not it's being White or American or some crap like that. Thanks for this.

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Apr 24Liked by Katharine Strange

I believe that how a person acts โ€œcountsโ€ for more than what they believe โ€ฆ hmm, have I set a trap for myself with that one? And for me, I believe that we should be kind to each other and I do my bloody best to practice that. Today, when I was finished shopping at Costco, I offered to push this old ladyโ€™s cart over to the car corral. And I didnโ€™t flip anybody off. Very minor move in the right direction. Iโ€™m enjoying your reflections, oh, and thanks for that podcast recommendation for the Short Creek series. Thatโ€™s some serious nutball stuff. And look at that, another win: pleasant, engaged comments are acts of kindness, and I didnโ€™t tell anyone that their writing sucked. Another very small win for my crusade to act on my beliefs. ๐Ÿ˜€

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Apr 24Liked by Katharine Strange

God, I love the good place so much. Thank you for the reminder and the fork clips ๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿฅฐ

My spouse and I were just talking last night about sharing things that we care about on social media vs virtue-signaling. It got heated. lol. This is tricky for me because beliefs & values are tricky for me post-evangelicalism. I still feel things really strongly and my brain likes to see things as black and white. And I donโ€™t know if itโ€™s my makeup or my evangelical conditioning. I can hold a lot of nuance for most things, but others (like ending the bloodshed in Gaza for example) I feel a white hot certainty.

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