Without the spoilers, the second penalty box scene almost broke me. I’ve never seen that kind of episode depicted in a way that resonated so strongly. So yeah, that’s where I’m at.

My little thought nostalgia was hilarious though, which is especially fitting considering her recent trend is reminding me wistfully about something fun that happened, like yesterday.

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Jun 21Liked by Katharine Strange

"So here I am, almost forty, zero books published, no acting career, decidedly not famous."

I really feel this. Hard. My motivation has never been to become famous, but I have dreamed a lot of dreams and talked a lot of talk and none of it has amounted to a published article or book. At 52 years old I've been thinking a lot about contentment and skill and talent and wondering if I've squandered any opportunities or if this is just what's in the cards for me.

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I feel this--do we learn to be satisfied with what we have, or do we keep reaching? Maybe there's an inherent tension between gratitude and ambition. I get excited whenever I hear about people in their 70s and 80s publishing their best work, or even their debuts. That's one good thing about the writing life, I guess? It's not like being an Olympic pole vaulter.

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Jun 20Liked by Katharine Strange

Beautiful reflection. And my kids LOVE when I cry. Lol. My spouse took them to see it this weekend and even he teared up (the kids were thrilled ) and I can’t wait to see it with them soon! Our household has dealt with a looooot of anxiety over the past few years so I imagine I will need tissues. 😆

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LOL, what is it with kids liking seeing their parents crying? I guess I laughed at my dad when he teared up during "Father of the Bride," though, of course, he blamed his allergies

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Jun 20Liked by Katharine Strange

Mine always cried for fiddler on the roof and Anne of green gables 😂❤️

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Oooof, the I’m-not-good-enough belief that’s trickled up from childhood. It’s a strong one. And boy does life keep lifing!

Another terrific piece, Katharine.

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thanks, Holly!

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I’m too scared to see Inside Out 2 because I don’t want to cry!

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yeah....maybe don't?

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Jun 19Liked by Katharine Strange

So what you're saying is I should watch the movie by myself first with a box of tissues before watching it with my kids. Thanks for the heads up!!

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Jun 23Liked by Katharine Strange

Oof. I tried that. It was worse the second time because I knew what was coming and started misting up during Joy’s opening monologue. Hope it works for you, though!

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Hahaha YES

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Jun 19Liked by Katharine Strange

Man, I see myself in this for sure. Also we might go see Inside Out soon!

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for sure!

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Jun 19Liked by Katharine Strange

You sure make honest reflection look easy!

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haha thanks

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